Author Archives: FindArtInfo News

Ben Maile: Discover Rarity and Elegance of European Limited Editions

Ben Maile (1922–2017) stands as a luminary, an internationally recognized artist whose creations grace significant collections, including those of the British Royal Family and major international corporations spanning commerce and industry. A Global Artistic Odyssey Maile’s artistic odyssey has spanned the globe, with exhibitions from the vast landscapes of Australia to the icy terrains of […]

Carl Weber: A Mesmerizing Journey Through Time and Landscape

In the realm of American art, one name stands out for its enduring influence and captivating depictions of rural landscapes – Carl Weber (1850–1921). Born in Philadelphia to the esteemed German immigrant and landscape painter Gottlieb Daniel Paul Weber (1823–1916), Carl Weber’s artistic journey traverses continents and epochs, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas […]

Alfred de Breanski: Discover an Excellent Legacy in Art

Alfred Fontville de Breanski Jr. (1877–1957) emerged from a lineage steeped in artistic brilliance, with his father, Alfred de Breanski Sr., a highly regarded Victorian landscape painter, and his mother, Annie Roberts, a skilled Welsh painter. Born into this family of artists, de Breanski Jr. embarked on an early artistic journey, honing his skills alongside […]

How to Identify an Artist Signature: 6 Captivating Answers

How to identify an Artist Signature? Have you ever stood before a mesmerizing painting, caught in the swirl of colors and strokes, only to be left wondering about the genius behind the masterpiece? Fear not, fellow art enthusiasts! The answer may be concealed in plain sight—within the artist’s signature. In this exploration, we embark on […]

Value of Paintings by Unknown Artists: Really Hidden Gems?

Can paintings by unknown artists be valuable? In the dazzling world of art, where the names of renowned painters like da Vinci, Picasso, and Van Gogh reign supreme, the notion that the value of paintings by unknown artists could hold any significant value may seem counterintuitive. After all, isn’t the artist’s signature the ultimate seal […]

12,000 Human Remains Will be Vast Out of the AMNH Display for a Better Change

12,000 Human Remains including Indigenous and enslaved people will be removed from the Museum display. In a significant move, the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) is embarking on a transformative journey concerning its extensive collection of 12,000 human remains, which encompass individuals from Indigenous and enslaved backgrounds. The institution is ushering in a series […]